
View, Upload & Manage Team Photos allows your team to store photos securely inside your team subscription.  Any parent, player or coach with access to your team can upload and manage photos.  Storing your photos on allows your team to avoid paying additional charges for other photo services.  Parents, players and coaches alike can download and save these photos for free.  The Photos component is an excellent way for a parent or team photographer to share photos of the team in action!

We have designed the Photos component to be simple and easy to use.  The layout of the Photos component is similar to what you would see in Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder.  You can manage your photos on by creating your own easy to understand folder structure and then categorizing your photos.

We designed Photos so that everyone on the team could access the photos uploaded by a team photographer or parent or any person who might be taking pictures of the event.  It is also a great way for coaches to mark-up a game image to show the team or an individual player what to look for or better understand during a game-time situation.

Uploading Photos to is simple:

  1. Create a new folder to store your photo files in by clicking on the Add Folder button on the Photo Manager toolbar
  2. After you have created the folder, open the folder
  3. Next, click the Browse button and select all of the image files on your computer, tablet or phone that you want to put onto
  4. Finally, click the Upload button to begin transferring your image files to
  5. will add these images to the folder and provide a quick thumbnail for viewing
  6. Unlike our Film component, no notification is sent to the team when a new Photo is uploaded

Managing Photos on is easy:

  1. Select the file or folder that you want to manage and then click the appropriate action on the Photo Manager toolbar
  2. Using your mouse, you can also right-click on the object you want to manage and then select the appropriate action
  3. You are then able to download, rename, delete or move these files to another location if needed
  4. It is important to note that anyone who has login access to your team can Add, Edit or Delete any of the photos stored within the Photos component page.

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