
Reset Password, Update Profile, Leave Team

Users can modify their personal settings by clicking Settings > Profile from the WatchGameFilm main menu.  The Profile window allows users to reset their password, change their name and contact details.  Profile also allows the user to remove themselves from the team if they are no longer interested in participating.  The Profile page is specific to the user and no other user or coach on WatchGameFilm has access to your personal settings.

How Do I Change My Password?

  1. Select Settings > Profile from the WatchGameFilm main menu
  2. Click on the Reset Password button
  3. Enter your old password and your new password and re-enter it to confirm that it is typed correctly
  4. Click the Reset Password button and you will receive a message if the reset was successful

Update Profile

You can change your name, email address and determine how you want to be notified regarding WatchGameFilm team activity.  It is important to note that these settings are global and apply to all WatchGameFilm teams that you are a member of.

  1. Select Settings > Profile from the WatchGameFilm main menu
  2. In the Profile page, update your name, your email address and determine how you want to be notified regarding WatchGameFilm team activity
  3. Click Save Profile to save your Profile settings

Leave Team

There are instances where you may have been added to a team twice under two different email addresses or you are no longer active with a team.  WatchGameFilm allows you to automatically remove yourself from any team that you are part of.

  1. Select Settings > Profile from the WatchGameFilm main menu
  2. In the Profile page, click on Leave Team to remove yourself from the current team that you are logged into
  3. You will receive a confirmation window allowing your to confirm this action before we proceed
  4. Once confirmed, you will be removed from the current team and redirected back to the WatchGameFilm login page

Note: You will also receive an email notifying you that you have been removed from this team along with instruction on how to get back onto the team if this action was done in error.

Remove My Data

To remove all of your data from the WatchGameFilm platform, please contact and request that all of your information be removed from our platform.

Note: You must contact us using the email account that is listed in WatchGameFilm that you want deleted. You will be removed from every WatchGameFilm team you are associated with.

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