Practice Plans

To better organize practices, communicate plans and schedules as well as improve efficiency, we have created the Practice Plans application.  This app is meant to be simple, flexible and most of all useful.  There is very little complexity to its design.  The Practice Plans app collects all of your practice plans into a single spot so that your coaches and others with approved access can view all practice plans.  Assistant coaches and staff will now arrive at practice more prepared since they can view today's practice plan in advance.


Getting Started

Edit Existing Template

If you would like to slightly change the existing default practice template for your team, click on the kebab menu (3 dots) located to the right of the other Practice Plans buttons and select Edit Template. You will then see the default practice plan template appear.  Modify the document as desired and click the [ ✓ ] Save button to save your changes to the default template.  Once all of your changes have been saved, click the Close Template button to go back to the Practice Plans main screen.  The next time you create a new practice plan, your newly updated default template will appear. 

Upload Custom Template

If you would like to completely change the existing default practice template for your team and you have a document ready to use, click on the kebab menu (3 dots) located to the right of the other Practice Plans buttons and select Upload Template. The file you select to upload must be an Excel file an have the .XLSX file extension.  Upload your document and it will replace the existing default template and will now be your new default template going forward. The next time you create a new practice plan, your newly uploaded template will appear.

View Practice Plan Template Library

We have included some sample practice plan templates for you to freely use as your default team template.  Click on the kebab menu (3 dots) located to the right of the other Practice Plans buttons and select View Library. A pop-up window will appear showing you a list of practice plan templates to choose from.  Double-click on a template to see what it looks like in our viewer.  Click the Use Template button to replace the existing default template with the selected one from the Practice Plan Template Library. The next time you create a new practice plan, your newly uploaded template will appear.

Security Settings

Refer to Settings > Security to see which roles can View practice plans and which roles can Manage practice plans.  By default Coaches and Administrators can Manage practice plans while Coaches, Administrators, Athletes and Parents can View practice plans.

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